Terrorist Attacks CRPF Convoy Kill at least 39 Personnel in Kashmir

By Apoorv Agrawal Feb 14, 2019

The Jaish-e-Mohammed has claimed responsibility for the attack

The terrorist driving a suicide vehicle was Adil Ahmad from Kakapora in Pulwama

The bus was blown up on Srinagar-Jammu highway in Awantipora area of the district

More than 2,500 Central Reserve Police Force personnel, many of them returning from leave to rejoin duty in the Valley, were travelling in the convoy of 78 vehicles when they were ambushed on the Srinagar-Jammu highway at Latoomode in

Awantiporain south Kashmir around 3.15 pm.

The Pakistan-based Jaish-e-Mohammed terror group has claimed responsibility for the attack that took place about 20 km from Srinagar, officials said.

Police identified the suicide bomber as Adil Ahmed, who officials said joined the Jaish in 2018.



By Apoorv Agrawal

I'm a Writer, Reader, Listener, Thinker, Digital Content Creator, Curator & Consultant. I love to write and aware people of various things on various digital platforms be it any Tech, Government Schemes or any product that is just launched.

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