Apna Bhopal Blood Help Group

You’ve heard of many people saying proudly that I’ve donated blood. Why is so proud thing to say that? As we all know When we donate out blood, it doesn’t help just one person but three people, as blood contains Rbcs, Wbcs and Platelets which are helpful for the person who is diagnosed to having need of any of them.

When Was the last time you donated your blood???

Luckily we met Aruneshwar Singh Sunhara who is the founder of Bhopal’s Voluntary Blood Donation group names as Apna Bhopal Blood Help Group, who has personanlly donated more than 11 times at different occasions. He is ruuning this Voluntary organisation along with his colleagues and friends of who active participation from Anil Kumar Ahirwar, Gabbar Singh, Vikram Singh Sunhara, Ronak Sharma, Praveen Gurjar who all are Co Founder of this social help group.


Aim of Apna Bhopal Blood Help Group

The aim of this organisation is To Provide Blood To the People in Need, Whose family members are not able to donate blood due to various reason specially to Thalassaemia ,Cancer , Pregnancy and accident case.

Various Activities Done by Group

As we were talking to Mr. Aruneshwar he said, “We are working From 2013, We generally used To do Blood Donation for People in Need usually by phone calls.” He Personally himself arranged More than 1550 Unit Blood and together as a Group have arranged more than 3000 unit blood as whole team by Creating awareness by Personal interaction With Donors to Educate Peoples About Pros And Cons Of Blood Donation. As such a healthy man can donate blog once in every three months.

Awareness Program –

Help and Promote All The Blood Donation Camp in our knowledge , We used To believe in directly providing blood to needy one.

Social Message

Donate Blood Save Life, As Every year India requires about five Crore units of blood, out of which only a meager 2.5 Crore units of blood are available. Friends2support.org has given facts about need of blood donation in India. More than 38,000 blood donations are needed every day. A total of 30 million blood components are transfused each year.

So Apna Bhopal Blood Donation Group is once such need of the hour to help People who are in need of Blood due to any reason be i deficiency of Blood etc. Those who fulfill blood donation criteria if donate regularly than we can save lots of life Donate Blood To Give New Life To Some One.

You can connect to The Group Members if In Bhopal through following numbers:

Aruneshwar Singh Sunhara -Founder
7869992531 ,7999898682

Anil Kumar Ahirwar -Co Founder

Gabbar Singh -Co Founder

Vikram Singh Sunhara -Co Founder

Ronak Sharma -Co- Founder

Praveen Gurjar -Co -Founder

By Apoorv Agrawal

I'm a Writer, Reader, Listener, Thinker, Digital Content Creator, Curator & Consultant. I love to write and aware people of various things on various digital platforms be it any Tech, Government Schemes or any product that is just launched.

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