Shani Jayanti 22 May 2025

Shani Dev is considered to be a factor of service and karma. Today on Shani Jayanti special worship is done to get the blessings of Shani Dev. According to the astrologers of Kashi, special coincidence is also being made on Shani Jayanti after 972 years this year. According to astrologers, on Saturn Jayanti, four planets will remain in the same zodiac.

On this day, donation and Dakshina are also considered special. 

When is Shani Jayanti Celebrated?

Shani Jayanti Jyeshtha is celebrated on Krishna Amavasya. It is believed that on this day Shani Dev was born. This time i.e in the year 2020 Shani Jayanti is being celebrated today i.e. 22 May.

How to Please Shani Dev?

On this day, Shani Dev can be pleased by taking some measures. In the evening of Shani Jayanti, light a lamp in the west direction, after this chant (“Om Sha Abhayasthayaya Namah”) “ॐ शं अभयहस्ताय नमः” and chant at least 11 garlands (“Om Shashanashraya Namah”) “ॐ शं शनैश्चराय नमः”.

Wish you Happy Shani Jayanti. Take care of yourself in this lockdown.

By Apoorv Agrawal

I'm a Writer, Reader, Listener, Thinker, Digital Content Creator, Curator & Consultant. I love to write and aware people of various things on various digital platforms be it any Tech, Government Schemes or any product that is just launched.

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